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OFFER: Shooting in Senegal
Economy flights, 7 nights Full board accommodation, 5 full days shooting: £2890

Wing Shoots & Big Game Safaris in South Africa
We have been conducting hunting safaris in South Africa for over twenty years.
Our professional hunters are experienced in pursuing the Big Five as well as the plains game of Southern Africa and all of us from the office staff to the camp staff and professional hunters are committed to making your African safari the experience of a lifetime.

Peter is a trained ecologist who received his degree in natural sciences from the University of Pretoria. He has been hunting full time for over 22 years and could be regarded as one of South Africa’s most experienced professional hunters. Ndlovu lodge has 5 professional hunters during the season all of whom have at least 8 years experience in the demanding South African bush.
The primary areas in South Africa where we conduct hunting safaris are: the Eastern Free State and Limpopo Bushveld. In each of these safari areas we have various hunting concessions. The specific concession we will utilize will depend on the time of year as well as the number of trophies which we have taken in a concession area.
Big Game
We are a hunting outfitter based in Pretoria South Africa. Our operations are based at Ndlovu Lodge from where we operate hunting safaris in various concession areas in South Africa, and Zimbabwe. We also offer an exception value buffalo package in Tanzanias Selous Game Reserve.
We have been conducting hunting safaris in South Africa for over twenty years. Our professional hunters are experienced in pursuing the Big Five as well as the plains game of Southern Africa and all of us from the office staff to the camp staff and professional hunters are committed to making your African safari the experience of a lifetime
Peter is a trained ecologist who received his degree in natural sciences from the University of Pretoria.
He has been hunting full time for over 22 years and could be regarded as one of South Africa’s most experienced professional hunters. Ndlovu lodge has 5 professional hunters during the season all of whom have at least 8 years experience in the demanding South African bush.

Peter has gained exceptional experience in both plains game hunting as well as big five hunting and has been instrumental in the training of all the other professional hunters over the years.
The primary areas in South Africa where we conduct hunting safaris are: the Eastern Free State and Limpopo Bushveld. In each of these safari areas we have various hunting concessions. The specific concession we will utilize will depend on the time of year as well as the number of trophies which we have taken in a concession area.

Eastern Free State
The Eastern Free State is characterized by wind swept grassland towered over by sandstone cliffs. The Plains Game Species which can be hunted here included the Black Wildebeest , Sprinbuck , Mountain Reedbuck , Red Hartebeest, Blesbuck , Red Hartebeest, Burchells Zebra.
Limpopo Busheveld
An area characterized by areas ranging from thick brush to broken hills. The area is home to various plains game animals and hunting is normally conducted from March to October. The most popular species which can be hunted in this are include the Kudu, Impala, Blue Wildebeest, Waterbuck, Burchells Zebra, Eland, Gemsbuck, Red Hartebeest, Steenbuck and Duiker. Collectors can also pursue the Giraffe and Reedbuck in this area. The illusive Nyala is also found in some of our concessions.
Hunting the Big Five
We conduct Big Five Hunting Safaris in South Africa and Zimbabwe and we also offer a special Buffalo Hunting Package to Tanzania. We do not publish the prices of the Big Five in our price list because the prices tend to vary greatly for country and area hunted. The legislation in the countries where the hunts are conducted also seem to change every other month. Please let us know which of the animals you are interested in as well as the time year and we will get back to you with a full written proposal with 48hrs.
The specifc areas in which the hunts are conducted can range from the thick brush of the areas surrounding the Kruger National Park to the broken hills of north eastern Zimbabwe. Whichever the area or specific animal, a big five safari is always exciting. We take great care in the planning of each of these hunts and they are always conducted by one of our professional hunters who have years of experience in pursuing the Big Game of Africa.
Of the Big 5, and even possibly of all the huntable African animals, this must be the single most sought after animal because of a certain mystique surrounding the danger involved when hunting it. Solitary bulls can have the notion to charge unprovoked if the hunter is spotted by chance. The buffalo can be considered as the most dangerous animal when wounded, and many a hunter has had a narrow escape, and some have even met up with death when tracking these mighty opponents. It is strongly suggested that you use the largest calibre rifle you feel comfortable with (starting with 375) when booking a buffalo hunt. Range could be up to 100 yards depending on the terrain where the hunt takes place.
Prepare well in advance, as this is a hunt where your physical ability will be tested to the full. Walking great distances, often in heat well into the 90 degrees (Fahrenheit) is not an uncommon feature. There is a real possibility of tracking an elephant that has insufficient tusks, only to start looking for another one and tracking it. Stalking could be tedious, dangerous and uncommonly long as one would like to place the perfect shot. This hunt can be intimidating due to the sheer size of the quarry, the loud trumpeting sound and the breaking of foliage when fleeing, or even worse, when charging. Average range would seldom exceed 100 yards.

This usually entails a lot of walking. Starting early in the morning, we scout the 10,000 acre concession for fresh tracks, assisted by experienced trackers who know the area like the back of their hands. Testing the direction of the wind frequently, we head out in pursuit of our worthy trophy. Many a time one would find claw marks on trees as the day progresses. When spotting the lion, one would ideally like to position yourself in such a manner that the best possible shot is afforded. One would always wish for a one-shot kill, but this also does not always happen and a follow-up would then be required. It is a pre-requisite according to South African law that any of the Big 5 may ONLY be hunted with a minimum caliber of 375, or bigger, ensuring everybody’s safety in a situation like that. It is seldom that the range would be more than 100 yards.
Probably one of the most frustrating, yet rewarding hunts of the Big 5 as one usually spends a lot of time in a blind, being very still at all times. Mostly leopards are hunted during the evenings, as they are mainly nocturnal animals. Many trophies have been collected during daytime, but this is more the exception than the rule. An area where leopard activity was identified will be targeted for baiting to entice the animal to return for feeding. When the leopard is feeding and at ease, the hunter has the best opportunity to collect the trophy at about 50-60 yards.

South Africa Wing Shoot
Apart from superb Wildlife trophy hunting, South Africa offers some of the world’s finest wing shooting. The diverse habitat, ranging from barren windswept mountains, down to sub-tropical low-lying wetlands, provides for the largest variety of game birds available in the country. Whether it be for the collector of specific game bird species, or the avid wing shooter seeking the ultimate bird hunting experience, our premier wing shooting areas provide for all enthusiasts.
​Although we outfit wing shooting safaris in neighbouring countries, the superb infrastructure, availability of ammunition, and the variety and number of game birds makes South Africa the ultimate destination. Bird hunting seasons vary from area to area, but generally March through to September are the prime months. The beginning of the season provides for some of the finest hot barrel pigeon shooting in the world. As we utilise some of our trophy hunting concessions for wing shooting, accommodation varies from classic tented camps to exclusive luxurious lodges. This also ensures that during these bird hunts some superb game viewing is on hand. There is nothing quite like sharing a campfire with the roar of lions completing the true African experience.
The variety of bird species available ensure a varied wing shooting experience. In our northern areas, huge flocks of helmeted Guinea Fowl are found – and driven shoots, reminiscent of grouse shoots in Scotland, are the norm. Seven species of Francolin, including the extremely challenging Grey wing are found in the vast mountains of the Eastern Cape above 6,000 feet; and are hunted over well trained pointers. Waterfowl, of which there are 12 different species, including the huge Spur wing Goose, are mostly shot from blinds and over decoys. For some really hot barrel shooting, nothing can beat the immense flocks of pigeons and doves shot over sunflower or cornfields.
Wing shooting safaris are tailored to suit each group’s specific requirements and can include photographic, sight seeing, and plains game trophy hunting, these can all be added to vary the itinerary and cater for non-hunting companions. Due to the different wing shooting options and species, emphasis is placed on variety rather than quantity. However, early season hunts often see some really big bags.
Each wing shooting group will be provided with a Professional Hunter together with a complete back-up of staff and vehicles. We strongly recommend the use of 12 bore shotguns, as ammunition is readily available.
Should you prefer to use a 20 bore, ample prior notice is required for us to provide sufficient ammunition which will be supplied at a cost of $10 per box.
Although we suggest a minimum of four hunters to plan an effective safari, we do cater for smaller, more exclusive groups. As with all other hunts, you will be met at the commercial airport closest to the hunting area. Alternatively, a charter flight can be arranged directly into camp. Daily rates are fully inclusive of all meals, drinks, accommodation, transport, guides and full back-up staff.
We recommend you bring your own Shotguns. (However, shotguns can be hired by prior arrangement.) On entry you will be issued with a temporary import firearm permit. Upon your arrival in camp, you practice with limited clay pigeon shooting. Suitable rifle ranges with solid shooting benches are available. Prior to your departure from home, be sure to practice with your chosen firearms so you are at ease with their features and operation.
Approximately 60 rounds of the relevant ammunition is recommended, which includes sighting.
The Spur wing Goose, one of the world’s largest, is shot along with the smaller Egyptian Geese out of blinds over a spread of silhouette decoys. The Spur wing ganders average around 18 pounds and are true trophies.
Doves and Pigeons
High, low, and from every angle with a zigzagging flight just to confuse things, that’s our doves and pigeons. The birds fly into harvested grain fields in a steady stream in the afternoons. The pigeons decoy well.
Guinea Fowl and Francolin
Guinea fowl are presented to the guns as in Europe’s driver fashion. This is highly challenging shooting and the chants and songs of the Zulu beaters add to the exciting atmosphere of the shoot. Francolin are shot over English and German Pointers on the edges of the grain fields.
Yellow-billed Duck, Red-billed Teal and White Faced Duck are the three species we shoot out of thatch blinds on the edge of small marshes or ponds. The Yellow-billed Duck and Red-billed Teal have decoys.

From £2285 per person
7 nights full board accommodation, international flights and local transfers. Full time services of a fully professional hunter and complete back up staff, including skinners, trackers & camp staff, Full accommodation including all meals, soft drinks, linen and daily laundry service, All transport during the safari, Field preparation of trophies, Transport to and from the nearest commercial airport.