Overall Catch Success rate: 92%
Billfish 27%, Dorado 59%, Tuna 14%, Other 11%
This past week saw the culmination of the 40th Anniversary Tournament of the Bisbees Black & Blue. We had 11 Pisces vessels participating in the tournament and this was a historical year not only because it was set to be the highest payout in the tournament’s history, $4.6 Million Dollars, but also because, as 2020 would have it, no one would win it! There were no qualifying fish brought to the scales, even with 127 of the best fishing teams in the world competing. We still have a roundup of the happenings HERE, and in case you missed it, you can read about the one fish that could have won it all, only to be lost after a 5 hour fight instead.

And although no big Blue or Black Marlin were brought to the scale, it doesn’t mean fishing wasn’t good! Pisces vessels not competing in the tournament still did very well, with 92% of boats catching fish. The best species to target was still Dorado, with 484 Caught including releases. Billfish, which accounted for nearly 30 percent of catches totaled 42, included Blue Marlin,Striped Marlin and Sailfish, all released.

Top boat this week for Dorado and Marlin was Pisces 31’ Ruthless , Captain Beto Liro at the helm, with 9 Marlin Released this week, including Two Blue Marlin nearing 300 pounds. They had a staggering 60 Dorado total (including releases)!
One of their best days was with longtime Pisces Angler and friend, David Palmer (fishing with us since 1990!). He fished with friends James Schrank and Mark Silverman, all from Texas. They landed 5 Dorado on mackerel and ballyhoo bait, plus released a Striped Marlin and a Blue Marlin of about 200 lbs. Both Billfish took live mackerel. Plus one shark released as well.
On another day, Pisces 31’ Ruthless and anglers Brenda and Kent Rodriguez from Fresno, released 1 Striped Marlin of about 60 lbs on a live Green Jack at Los Arcos and had 15 Dorado between 8 and 12 lbs each. These hit on just about everything, from feathers, dead bait and hoochis.

Pisces 28’ Andrea also had an amazing week, with 6 Marlin released, 44 Dorado and 3 Yellowfin Tuna. Captain Roberto Padilla and Mate Omar were very happy to see female anglers Alyssa McColly and Jovanna Thiele from Oregon finally make their dream of 15 years come true. They had hoped to release a Marlin, and actually released two! They had a 150 lbs Striped Marlin hit on Ballyhoo bait at Gaspareno and a Blue Marlin released of about 200 lbs also on ballyhoo. Plus, two dorado for dinner!
Pisces 30’ Karina also had a great week with 2 Marlin, One Striped, One Blue, 41 Dorado and a BIG Grouper weighing in at 63 lbs! The Blue marlin hit on a green/yellow lure close to Golden Gate and was just shy of 300 lbs. Released by anglers Eric Houdek, Jonathan Flours and Skip Sandell from Texas. They also caught 8 Dorado of around 10 lbs each.

Pisces 37’ Viking BBII and anglers from Louisiana did well to release 2 Striped Marlin of about 130 lbs this week, along with 15 Dorado! (5 released) all hitting on ballyhoo close to Pozo Cota area.
Pisces 38’ C Rod had 2 Striped Marlin released as well, this time at Los Arcos, on live mackerel. Plus 6 Dorado on feathers.
Pisces 42’ Sea Senora, which has become a notable Dorado slayer in the fleet, landed 15 Dorado (8 released) on a half day of fishing midweek! Fish hit on feathers, live and dead bait and weighed between 10 and 15 lbs each. They also released quite a few Sailfish this week!

Not too many tuna this week, but leave it to Captain Juan Lopez to find them for those wanting to target this species. A great day for anglers the Hendersons from Virginia, who found the Dorado early on and limited out quickly. 12 total (6 released) all at Los Arcos, so they decided to head out for tuna and Pisces 32’ Bill Collector made it happen. Mate Esteban brought out the kite and they landed 6 Yellowfin between 10 and 35 lbs each.
On another day, once again, 7 Dorado early on at Los Arcos and then they headed South finding the porpoise and 5 decent Yellowfin between 15 and 35 lbs each. Plus 1 Sailfish released.

Pisces 31’ Rebecca also with some tuna and a great week overall! 6 Yellowfin for anglers from Yorba Linda on cedar plugs at San Jaime Bank, and 12 Dorado too! These hit on everything at Las Margaritas, 6 released.
Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann had 12 Dorado close to Golden Gate and 2 Yellowfin, anglers were the Fiscus family from Texas!
Only a few Wahoo this week, Pisces 58’ Tag Team landed three, the largest of about 60 lbs! On the Sea of Cortez side, on lures.
LOCATION: San Jaime, Los Arcos- Migrino, Punta Gorda, Golden Gate
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny most, Partially cloudy on others. Some wind at end of week.
BEST LURES: Ballyhoo and Mackerel bait, cedar plugs, feathers, guacamayo lures, hoochis,