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Pisces Cabo Fishing Report Jan 22nd to 28th

Date Published: January 29, 2021

Angler Rene Canales with a nice Dorado and Striped Marlin Released on Pisces 31′ Rebecca

Overall Catch Success rate: 70%

Billfish 17%, Dorado 19%, Tuna 8%, Other 50%

Weather this week took a bit of a toll on fishing, with some strong winds and choppy seas. Plus, the Marlin bite slowed dramatically compared to previous days in the last week where we saw up to 15 Striped Marlin released by one boat (Pisces 58’ Tag Team). The weekend came and the water temperature changed, 79 F at Golden Gate Bank, and got a bit greener. Still, the crews did good to try for Marlin in those conditions, and we had a few boats find luck, like the 32’ and 35’ Bill Collectors. Both released 4 Striped Marlin each, making for the most Marlin released in the week. Others preferred to stick inshore and did well with Sierra Mackerel (many with limits of fish) and some other small game like Snapper.

Top Marlin boats this week, Pisces 32’ Bill Collector had 4 Striped Marlin, enduring the winds, and even managing a triple hook up. Most fish averaged 130 lbs, with one even estimated at 170 lbs, at Golden Gate on dead mackerel bait. Then they headed inshore for Sierra Mackerel, landing 10 total.

17 Sierra Mackerel on Pisces 31′ Rebecca

Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 headed out the next day and also had 4 Striped Marlin between 90 and 120 lbs on ballyhoo and live mackerel at Golden. They also landed a small Dorado on black/red lure at Ls Margaritas.

Pisces 28’ Andrea was another of the few with Marlin this week. Two released of about 110 -120 lbs each, for anglers Chris and Rachel Jung from North Dakota, who also kept 8 Sierras.

Chris and Rachel with 8 Sierras + Striped Marlin Released on Pisces 28′ Andrea.

Pisces 31’ Rebecca released 1 Striped Marlin of about 90 lbs on dead mackerel at Herradura and 1 decent size Dorado of almost 20 lbs for angler Rene Canales. Pisces 35’ Valerie also had a Dorado of about 10 lbs, which hit on hoochis close to Golden Gate, plus 20 Sierra Mackerel for anglers Isaac Craig and James Blincoe.

Pisces 58’ Tag Team also had a Striped Marlin releasedof about 100 lbs on ballyhoo at Golden Gate.

Striped Marlin at the Leader!

A few Wahoo this week too, Pisces 31’ La Brisa had one of about 15 lbs, which hit on a pink lure close to Golden. Seventeen Sierra Mackerel on hoochis closer to shore too, for anglers from Minnesota.

Pisces 45’ Chasin Tail also had 2 Wahoo of about 20 lbs, which took rapalas at Margaritas for Jim and Ann Anderson. They also kept 18 Sierra Mackerel and released 10 Skipjack.

New to the fleet Pisces 48’ Viking Friday Bank had a fun day inshore with 10 Sierra Mackerel on rapala at Migrino plus 2 Red Snapper of about 10 lbs.

Other small game caught included ladyfish, sheepshead, triggerfish, grouper, amongst others.

LOCATION: Pacific side: Margaritas, Migrino, Golden Gate.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: Windy and some chop, especially in early morning/afternoon.



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