Big-bald report!
The fine weather of recent days meant that all boat teams went on a joint long trip to Storskalltaren. As usual, there were lots of big fish and already in the first operation, several fine fish had landed. A lot of cod over 10 kg and the largest passed 20 kg, also a lot of gray saithe in good size where the largest weighed a bit over 12 kg.
Halibut fishing was also good, where the best boat landed as many as 11 flounder. The largest landed was a nice 145 cm. Several of the boats were in contact with really big fish which sadly were dropped. Flounder that can not be lifted from the bottom despite several minutes of hard pressure testify and really big fish. A flounder followed and swallowed a hooked 4 kg of cod right at the boat's edge, "as big as a front door". It turned out to be the real big flounder, but we will be there again soon.
The amount of large fish on Storskalltaren is absolutely enormous and a common "problem" in the past year is that there has been so much large cod that take the baits before the flounder have time. Now it seems to have been balanced a bit and the number of flounder landed has increased. Good sign! The September weather can usually offer light winds, completely in class with August.
