Just got back from the first post Covid trip to Guinea Bissau with 6 clients , with another 5 joining us midway . Miraculously enough we all survived !! . The fishing was difficult the first two days { biggish tides } but got really good as the week went on . Topped off by 3 quite spectacular days on and around the chimenea's , mass attacks of Jacks , some superb Leerfish on poppers and stickbaits , a 40kg Cobia on a popper !! , mixed with rod breaking big stingers . Anyway more to the point , we had a PCR test in Guinea with results emailed to us , passed through airports with very little fuss and no luggage went missing , which considering how much stuff I took to set up for the beginning of the season was nothing short of miraculous .
Anyway a really good mix of nice fish for all , a few lost lures and Jigs plus several broken rods , I think everyone went away happy.
The family that turned up later in the week , seem to be having a great time with plenty of Killer rig fishing keeping the kitchen supplied with delicious Simpots and Dorade royale , they have had a proper species bash with over 19 species between the 3 kids so far and I must say that 10 year old anglers are far more appreciative of our efforts than the grouchy old adult anglers !!.
Anyway more turning up next week , so hopefully things are properly returning to normal.
Still have a few places left in November and December £2750 for 3 anglers in a boat and £3200 for 2 anglers in a boat include 7 days fishing , flights , transfers and full board accommodation.
Anyone interested drop me a pm.
